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$149.95 per Kg
Le Marquis Chèvre de Rambouillet Bleu is a pure goat milk chèvre, is hand made on a farm not far from the famous castle of Rambouillet, which housed a model dairy built for Marie Antoinette during the reign of Louis XVI.
It’s difficult to find a goats milk blue cheese that is in optimum condition, as the composition of the milk has a tendency to produce very strong flavours. The secret of this soft, supple cheese is that it starts with exceptional quality fresh milk collected from the farm’s pristine herd of 350 Alpine Chamoisée and Murciano-Granadina breeds.
The traditional coat of fine charcoal encourages a unique rind to form a protective coat, while selected strains of Penicillium Roqueforti mould form an intricate web of dark blue veins inside. The result is a triumph of modern farm cheese-making techniques. Will selected Le Marquis Bleu de Chèvre, for its enticing, mild, savoury blue flavours, which gradually develop as the cheese ages.
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